One thing that is sure to leave you embarrassed, unwilling to make eye contact, is the problem of dandruff. One may muse on the causes that lead these mischievous elements to take over your scalp and leave you with sweaty hands. 

If you are someone who’s been wanting to put an end to these galling creatures, read the article until the end to know how you can go about it.


People tend to blame dust particles for dandruff, which is definitely not the case. Dandruff are telltale patches of white flakes that have formed over time. A small jerk could lead them to come loose in and around you. Dandruff are actually dead skin cells and can be often seen on other body parts too. 

Dandruff Causes:

  • Shampoo habits: Random and infrequent shampooing habits leads to building up of dandruff on your scalp
  • Age: Other cause includes your age, those who are at the outset of their 20’s struggle with dandruff
  • Dry skin, precisely winters: during winters the problem of dandruff is at peak and is prevalent among everyone, regardless of their age
  • Diseases: chronic form of eczema SD causes dandruff too.


here are several treatments to let up dandruff. 

  • Use of OTC shampoo: OTC Shampoo or as we call it over-the-counter shampoo. It is urged to alternate between shampoos on the same lines of OTC. As for mild to moderate cases of dandruff, look for the shampoos having Selenium Sulfide, Pyrithione Zinc, Salicylic Acid, Ketoconazole and Tar. If you are unable to find a shampoo containing all of these ingredients, try to look for the ones having some of them, or you can switch between two or more shampoos made of them. 
  • In exceptional scenarios, these don’t go away even when you abide by recommended shampooing habits and usage of OTC shampoos. In such cases, consult your dermatologist if anti-fungal shampoos like Nizoral or Loprox, or a topical corticosteroid lotion; Capex and Synalar, to name a few, can help you get shots of these nanoparticles. Don’t use just any shampoo without having approved it. 

These are the treatments you can undertake to get rid of dandruff.


Several home remedies have been tried out by various people which we can vouch for.

These are:

  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is known to have endless benefits with the most important of all being nuking of dandruff. In a research conducted by a handful of dermatologists, massaging hair with tea tree oil can reduce the severity of dandruff by almost 41% and it’s proven as mentioned above.
  • Using Aloe Vera: since Aloe Vera has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, one can leap at it to get rid of dandruff. Aloe Vera has been a blessing in other areas as well
  • Coconut Oil: This doesn’t really need any separate introduction as everyone is aware of the benefits of coconut oil. Claims have it that use of coconut oil on hair can reduce dead skin build to a good extent.

Note : Before using any medicine consult your doctor.

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