In any special occasion everyone pay special attention to their makeup, outfit, and hair in top condition. However our teeth, smile and Dental Care get ignored in the process and receive child-like treatment. The importance of teeth is as important as any another organ of body. We should never ignore our teeth, these dental hygiene tips will surely help you to care your teeth.

Some important tips which everybody should follow, to maintain good dental hygiene and keep the smile sparkling .

Oral hygiene tips for a healthy mouth:-

  1. Go to your dentist regularly, ideally every 6 months .
  2. Brush your teeth properly and effectively; because it’s important to brush teeth in a proper and effective manner. You might brush your teeth everyday or twice in a day.

Rules of tooth brushing:

  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush or electric brush.
  • Use 45 degree or bass technique in tooth brushing.
  • Brush your tongue with a toothbrush.
  • Brush for 2 minutes twice a day.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3 months.
  1. Floss once a day. Most probably you should do it in the evening, because it can remove the food stuck in between teeth before sleeping.
  2. Use fluoride mouthwash. You can use it from time to time but don’t use it after tooth brushing.
  3. Avoid food high in sugar and carbohydrates. As carbohydrates feed bacteria in our mouth, they will produce acid and it will cause cavities. Same with avoiding eating sticky food like caramel, toffee, candies, chocolates etc.
  4. Avoid eating hard food; like pistachios, watermelon seeds, hard taco shells. Those foods that are difficult to bite may cause fractures or may chip your teeth.
  5. Avoid eating and drinking extremely hot and cold food and beverages. Because our teeth will go through a lot of expansion and contraction. And it will also cause pain and sensitivity over time.
  6. Limit intake of drinks and colored drinks; like coffee, tea, wine etc. You should not stop drinking it but you should limit the time, because it may stain your teeth and it will be hard for a dentist to remove it.
  7. Avoid bad habits; like biting nails, pen or pencils, opening a bottle or bag of chips using your teeth. It may damage your tooth and it can also break it if we will always do these habits. 
  8. Stop or avoid smoking. Smoking will not only affect your teeth but also lungs.

Aside from all of these we should eat nutritious food and have a well balanced diet and exercise.

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