Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet based program. There are many more applications in Microsoft and windows, but MS Excel is most used application among all. The reason behind its widely use are it features. It can be used in completing business tasks, analysis, inventory, invoicing, data management and many more.

Some major features are:

  1. Calculations (Number Crunching)
  2. Business Analysis
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Accounting & Budgeting
  5. Administrative Management

The important components of MS Excel you need to understand are:

  1. Cell
  2. Worksheet
  3. Workbook.


Cell is small but a very important part of a spreadsheet. Whatever, you input in spreadsheet by typing/writing, by copy paste, these all actions happens in a cell. Cell can be customised in size, colour, shape, borders etc.

Every Cell has its identification, it is called cell address/ cell reference. Cell is a intersection of a Column and Row.


Worksheet is also known as Spreadsheet. A worksheet is made of Cells, Columns and Rows. Every worksheet contains 16384 Columns and 1048576 Rows. Columns are run vertically and counted from A to XFD in alphabets. Cells are counted horizontally from 1 to 1048576 in numbers.


A workbook is made of worksheets/ spreadsheets. It can be one or more worksheet in a workbook. Worksheets of a Workbook can be adjusted/shifted, move, copy, delete and add.

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Microsoft Excel Components


Microsoft Excel is the most utilized application among the other Microsoft program. Excel is very helpful tool, it is used, almost in all sectors. The reason behind its widely use

What is MS Excel?

microsoft excel

It is a Microsoft developed program, based on worksheets. In MS Excel, data is managed in rows and columns, it is used to do numerical functions mainly. Nowadays, MS Excel