Microsoft Excel is the most utilized application among the other Microsoft program. Excel is very helpful tool, it is used, almost in all sectors. The reason behind its widely use are its features. It is extremely important to know that what is where in MS Excel Window for the easy the use of it. It will be helpful to use the Microsoft Excel components and to understand the major aspects of Microsoft Excel.

  1. Active Cell : An active cell is a cell in which currently work is being done. It is highlighted by the bold borders and address of this cell is shown in the address bar. A cell can be selected or activated by clicking on it by mouse cursor or by arrow key of keyboard. To make changes or edit in selected, you can double click by mouse pointing at cell or press F2 from the keyboard.
  2. Columns : A column in MS Excel is a set of vertical cells. A worksheet contains total 16384 number of columns. Columns are identified alphabetically from A to XFD. A column can be selected by clicking on its header.
  3. Rows : Horizontal set of cells are called rows. A spreadsheet contains total 1048576 number of rows. Rows are identified numerically from 1 to 1048576. To select a row, click on left side of the window on row number.
  4. Fill Handle : Fill handle is a dark dot on the right lower corner of active cell. It helps to fill numeric values, insert ranges, insert serial numbers, text series etc.
  5. Address Bar : You can see the active cell address in Address Bar. If selected cells are more than one, then it will show the address of the first selected range.
  6. Formula Bar : The formula bar is situated under the ribbon tab. The formula bar shows the content of the active cell. Formula bar is also used to edit the content of active cell, whether it is text of formula.
  7. Title Bar : The title bar is placed on the top of the work book. The title bar shows the name of the workbook followed by the application name(-excel).
  8. File Name : The file menu contains some important options like (New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Share, Export etc.).
  9. Ribbon Tab : Ribbon tab are the set of option group which contains the options further.
  10. Worksheet Tab : As you all know a workbook contains one or more worksheets. Worksheet tab show all the spreadsheet/worksheet of a workbook. You can see these worksheets at the bottom, by default Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc. respectively.

To understand more demonstrably the Microsoft Excel Components below image will help you:

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