Spiritual Quotes of Sant Kabir

  1. When we are born, everyone laughs but we cry. Do good deeds in your lifetime, don’t do such work that they laugh behind you when you are gone.
  2. Teacher and lord both are standing, of whom should I touch the feet first? But my teacher/guru you are the one who told me God is greater.
  3. It says “everyone remembers God, prays to him and chants hymns to him in bad times but no one remembers him in good times. But, if you will remember him and pray to him in good times as well, you will never ever face bad times in your life.
  4. One who has come will go, the king, the poor, the beggar. The virtuous will go sitting on the throne, while others would go bound with the chain.
  5. One who sacrifices hope illusion attachment and pride One who gives up pleasure sorrow condemnation,Kabir says is the real saint.
  6. When I started to look for evil, I couldn’t find any. When I started to look inside my heart, I found out that I am the evilest.
  7. Don’t be so proud and be in vain of your achievements and fame. Don’t look at the heights that you have achieved and be arrogant.
  8. God lies within you just as the pupil lies within your eyes. But, these ignorant people don’t know this and keep on searching for God everywhere outside.
  9. Whatever you need to do tomorrow, do it now. The time is lost in moments and you will not recognise it. If the moment is gone, the work will remain undone forever.
  10. You remember the day when you were hanging with head upside down. You were safely kept in the womb by Him,but you don’t remember Him.

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What is Spirituality?

what is spirituality

Spiritualism Spiritualism has been a very interesting subject among people since ages. Many saints and sages spent their whole life in understanding the spirituality. Definition of Spirituality may vary from