These tips to stay fit and healthy as you grow old, will surely help you to improve health. In the last few years, lifestyle has become an important part of a healthy life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of personal health and quality of life factors are lifestyle-related. People strongly believe that metabolic diseases, joint and bone problems, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, obesity and many other problems are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. People should pay great attention to the relationship between lifestyle and health. As we get older, this process becomes more difficult. 

To stay healthy in old age, you should try the following tips: 

 • Drink enough water: Water is the magic drink of life and is needed to maintain basic vital functions. A child is taught about the importance of water from birth, and he should preach this knowledge in old age. It helps to improve the skin with age, eliminate toxic elements in the body and so on. 


Not just a couple of times a week, but every day. It is not possible for all of us to join the Gym, by moving your body in a specific way for 30 minutes a day, you reduce your disease risk, create higher bone density, and potentially extend your life. It could be daily morning walk/jogging for minimum 30 minutes, it could be practicing Yoga and general body stretching.

 • Consume more fruits and vegetables:

You must have listened “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” All fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for your body. It is recommended to have 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to maintain a good health. We should also consider a rainbow diet to stay healthy. We must have some basic knowledge of nutrition for body, this can be very helpful tips to stay fit and healthy as you grow old.

 • Get rid of bad habits:

Bad habits die hard,” this is common says, many of us have heard. Smoking is believed to reduce the life expectancy of each joint by seven minutes. In addition to smoking, people should also avoid other toxic habits, such as drinking alcohol and taking sleeping pills and many other bad habits of our daily routine are spoiling our life and health, we will have to be strong and consistent to leave these habits and to adopt a healthy life style.

 • Avoid negativity:

Negativity increases the severity of anxiety, stress, and depression and shortens people’s life. A positive attitude is an ultimate key to a healthy life. There is no need to be negative in your life. In our life, we experiences many up and down in our life. Some of the experiences makes us happy and other sorrowful. These uncertainties are part of life, we must not stick to it. The show must go on. Motivational books, motivational quotes and videos can play a vital role to stay away from negativity.

These are just a few of the numerous tips a person can implement in his daily schedule to live a healthier and longer life. It’s just one life; why spend it crying on the bed when you can ride the town on your roller skates. 

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