
Spiritualism has been a very interesting subject among people since ages. Many saints and sages spent their whole life in understanding the spirituality.

Definition of Spirituality may vary from person to person. Specially in India, where people live of all religions and they have their own beliefs accordingly. Some believes that after death we will get heaven by being spiritual.

Some people believe that whole world works on some universal law spiritual laws:

Universal laws are:

1. The Law of divine oneness

2. The Law of Vibration

3. The Law of Correspondence.

4. The Law of Attraction.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect.

6. The Law of Gender and Gestation

7. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.

8.  Law of Inspired Action.

9. Law of Compensation.

10. The law of Giving and Receiving.

11. Law of inspired Action

12. Law of Relativity

According to these peoples, the root couse of every movement in this world is energy. Understanding these laws can help a person to live a balanced life, achieving success and inner peace.

Some people believe that every living thing in this world is energy. We have a constant connection with energy . It controls us. And getting constant energy from this super energy. To understand that we are a part of this super power, is spiritualism. There are many ways to realize this, meditation is one of best and powerful way and tool to get connected with this energy. Meditation can play a vital role to connect us with cosmin energy, when one gets this cosmic energy, it enlighten one from inner. This enlightening makes our understanding deep so that we realize that we not separate, from this energy and any living thing in this universe, we are one.

In conclusion and in my opinion, connecting oneself with this cosmic power is spirituality. In another word, we can say God to this cosmic energy.

Way to reach that cosmic energy may be different. In a separate post I will discuss about the tools to feel the cosmic consciousness.

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sant kabir

Spiritual Quotes of Sant Kabir When we are born, everyone laughs but we cry. Do good deeds in your lifetime, don’t do such work that they laugh behind you when